→ Rule The Zone

Performance Art / Critical Design

“No Kids Zone“ explores the power dynamics behind societal rules, specifically addressing the "NO KIDS ZONE" policy in South Korea. This project highlights the marginalization of children in public spaces where rules are increasingly made to favor adult customers seeking quiet, effectively sidelining children.

Through this performance, I reverse the roles of children and adults, immersing myself in a space controlled by children. By staying in this environment for five to six hours, I experienced firsthand the limitations and helplessness felt by the marginalized under the control of dominant societal rules. The vibrant world created by the children contrasts starkly with the feelings of confinement imposed on those deemed "weak."

Central to the project is a 100x65x80cm cube, designed as a canvas for children aged 3 to 10 to paint and transform into their own world. This space symbolizes a pure, child-centered environment, free from the constraints imposed by societal rules. Through this act, I aim to contrast the innocence and creativity of children with the rigid control exerted by adults in public spaces.

Scenario reference: Journey in a Dream: "Journey in a Dream"